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Distribuita con Licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 4.0 Internazionale. Create an open and cheap physics digital laboratory using Ubuntu,Arduino, Matplotlib and Python 2.7.6 � Gli studenti di Marco

Create an open and cheap physics digital laboratory using Ubuntu,Arduino, Matplotlib and Python 2.7.6

Posted by marcoc on 10 Marzo 2015 under Arduino e Python, Fisica | 2 Comments to Read

I hope you can enjoy with your new laboratory as we did!
Click here to view.
Thanks a bunch to Marco Ricci (Ingegneria Terni), Andrea Belloni (HackLab Terni) and my brother Paolo for the suggestions!!!

The new link for NewPing Library (Click here)

  • marcoc said,

    You can use laboratory with less than 2,3 GHz x 2, next time we will show you. Just keep in touch!

  • marcoc said,

    You cau use Experiment 1 to tare the instrument, calculate the theoric value period and divide it by the period misured by computer(we will call the result a) and at line 38 of write t = float(t)*a, that’s all!